If you have anything to ask, review, sponsor, advertise, you could always leave a comment or email me . Thank you!
Dua' is the best weapon for moslems.....
Therefore remember Me, I will remember you, and be thankful to me, and do not be ungrateful to me. O you who believe! seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient.
Sura Al-Baqarah: 152-153
And when My servant ask you concerning me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls on me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way.
Sura Al-Baqarah:186
Dua surely is the best weapon for the moslems to seek guidance and blessing from Allah S.W.T the Almighty. HE stated in the Qoran that HE answers our Dua. Subahanallah. Magnificent!
Perfom Dua Muslimin Brothers, Muslimat Sisters,
Seek guidance and rahma' from HIM.
May we are bestowed by HIS blessing.
my new obsession.....xxx pictorial...hehehe
try 2 guess...is this a man or woman?
Click for larger image!
the first picture is a tribute to group A 2008.
the Durian Devouring.....with the Big & Small
it was raining
it was a glommy day
it non the less normal yet wet day
but it all change when
we saw....
the durian lorry
this is what small said a.k.a amri the [GUAva Face Guy as he proclaimed himself]
Haries : Let's just eat it here
I : What the..?(..eating durian at this bus stop, by the road, in the rain, with people around watching us..?)...grin(..i like!)
Both : LET'S DEVOUR THIS!!nyamnyamnyamngap!ngep!
Haries : OMG,this is luscious! Lets buy another one!
I : Go boy, here! money!
a minute later
Haries : Oi, I bought 3(pants)
I : What the..?(devil grin)
Haries : I bought 2 for RM4, but then the dude gave me 1 for free(devil grin,pants)
I : ... I LIKE!^^
this is my durian version of story:
Me: Small i smell heaven....
Small: dude you are scaring me... are you seeing the light...don't go near it!!...stay put i'll get help.
me: weh, i'm not dying lor....its durian!!
small:wt*???it just durian lah
me: oh man, i had not seen durian for ages. come go buy lah.please!!![with ice-cream face]
small: wt* again, you want to eat here at the bus top ar?[his face show insanest annoyed]
me:please!!!!!!![mama, i want durian!!!!]
small:ok lah!oklah.stop crying!! if the bus come you stay here and finish up kay!
we bought the first durian for £0.54. we were thinking to eat at college. but i can't hold my lust anymore, i slit open the durian and dip my big chubby finger into the luscious creamy yellowish flesh and devour the heavenesst into my mouth. Small at 1st was reluctant to eat, but after seeing me indulging the Durian he gave up his ego's and gobble the durian as if it was his 1st time eating it.(i was--wt*!!just now you said u don't want to eat!now you know how heaven is the durian!hahahha with angel grin.)
Small: eh, finish already ar?
me: ya lor. you ate like monster!
me:come, lets buy some more!
me:now, you put out the money!
me:yay!(with angel grin again!!)
there were we buying the durian for the second time~ this time the abg seller gave us a good bargain £0.72(for 2 durians) plus a free baby durian as a token of appreciation after we promote his stall at the bus top. we really enjoyed the durian and Small was being crazy showing off his durian to the vehicles that passby us at the bus top. it was one of the best moment in my life. i owe small a very big one!thanks dude for doing this crazing thing together with me!

this post is a tribute to
amri~the~pious~guy that is not yet in loving memory.he's still alive!
Finally[again*sigh*].....Money is in!!!!!
click the picture for bigger/larger image
YEY!!! Gay mood again!!
Government had issued our scholarship money!
Now, just hope that our University will do their work faster by issuing our money!
work hard kay guyz[the uni. staff],don;t be lazy[we need our money!!]
thank you Allah
again HE had bestowed us with his blessing.
Band 4
Finally....after a long wait[not that long la..]
result is out.
Thank you Allah.
B.Ed.TESL~secured a possibility to enroll in.
I'm so GAY today=HAPPY
A new part.......
I did so badly last semester [feel like wasting the Malaysian people money*coz government gave us scholarship*]. i need a new fresher resolution and aspiration for this semester*its the last semester already*
Semester 1:
Malaysian Studies- B-
Islamic Education Studies-A-
College Study Skills- B-
College Writing-B+
College Reading-B+
Grammar 1-B
Listening and Speaking-A-
Computer Literacy-B
Only two A's, it's not even an A its A-.Aiyoo!! Need to concentrate more in class this time around. The pressure is already on, we're bombarded with lotsa assignment,paperwork's, and research. AND the most stressing thing bout this semester as it is only 4 months!! We need to cramp as much possible stuffs into our brain before the "scary part" arrives. I want all my core subject to get A this semester.* MUET results is coming out this thursday, i'm scared.huhuhu*
I am officially a victim of snatch thief ........
I was waiting for the bus at the usual bus stop near my campus. Didn't i expect that there were two ugly notorious piggy Satans preying over me. In a split second my mobile phone were snatch off my hand from my back, when i turned around i saw the two piggies on the hell motorbike speeding off in front of my bare eyes. My hand was shaking, infect my whole body was shaking as if the earth is having a 16 trillion Richter Scale earthquake. I couldn't do anything, not even thinking to chase the piggies nor shouting for help. I felt helpless and in secured. The thing i remembered shouting out was"oh my god!oh my god!shit!".
When the people started to surround me, i feel as if they were all bad and Satans. My brain stops working for a few minutes. And there was this guy and his classmates saw what had happened to me and offered a ride back to my college. It was a terrifying incident that ever happen to me. It opens up my eyes to certain issues in my life. And to the PIGGIES, go to hell!and may you involve in accident and your head blow off as your are not worth a life at all.(will curse you till death)
To all human out there beware of this notorious piggies preying over your belongings. If you are able to fight back, smack their bloody asshole off the street and then you bring them to the police station. That is call a FAIR part. REALLY smack them like hell if you can do so(bring a group of people will be better). Good luck fellows!
This Is Just To Say~Park Ha Ki version
i have a journal
of love and life
lie in
a wooden book.
i write,i scribble
word of wisdom
just what i care.
mind me if
your name is there
maybe you are in
my good book.
i'm selected...yahoo!!!
after a long anticipation wait, finally they accepted me for the camp.I'm happy......
i'm going to ILIM for Fly High OZ & NZ Camp..
Happy Gregorian new year!!!
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