Amalina definitely was an Idol back in her years. Sebab apa? Go figure. Dude, she scored 17As, that is equivalent to 22As this era.
So, apa yang kecoh2 aku dengar kat twitter sampain trending nama minah tu? Dulu kecoh kata dia fail lah, kena buang university lah, kena balik malaysia lah. Bila lah kita nak stop all these harassment. And we are not even sure that is Amalina in those photos.
Agreed that as a Muslim women, she should cover her aurat and present herself well. But she is an adult and she should be the one deciding her life. And please don't tell me that she is the only one facing this culture shock thingy. Please, I have friends in MALAYSIA facing culture shock coming to Kuala Lumpur.
Memang sedap nak mengata orang, maki orang, label orang and maki2 tapi pernah tengok diri sendiri tak? I mean, c'mon, you are not even at the par the moral standard.Aku respect siapa yang nak nasihat, like, ikhlas nasihat. Tapi apa yang tengah trending dekat twitter is far from nasihat, it's more to "I'm gonna thrash that bitch coz then I look holier" . Damn people!
Tanpa korang sedari, tah2 Amalina tengah stress giler2 sebab korang pressure dia macam ni. Korang label dia mcm2. Korang maki hamun dia, korang keji. It's already tough living in overseas, it gets tougher when your own Malaysian thrashing you.

I'm not here to defend Amalina. But I'm just here to share that it's already bad she is doing whatever she did in those photos (if that is her), it's even worst when you start to humiliate her further. C'mon Malaysians, PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKE. Take a bite and move on.
Just my 2cent.
jdik trending psl rmai x expect die jdik camtue. sbb time school dlu die nerdy, x baper nk sosial, n die slesa ngn imej die yg muslimah. so org trkejut la die jdik cmnie skg. n then dlu die mmg islamik ckit pmikiran sbb kejayaan die dlu pn die ckp jgn lpe smayang klu nk brjaye, bce al-quran sume. Psl x pakai tdung tue kre x trkejut lg tp pkai seksi2 xley blaa. xtau la nape die jdik camtue. ak doakan die brubah. sbb manusia ley brubah. n org M'sia wat x sedar plak bler org bashing sbb kte nie islam, kte bgtau bnde yg btol, kte gk bkan yg smpurna tp mngingatkan org yg wat silap. dpd maki2 ngn prasaan mrah kte doakan amalina smoge die x trsasar jauh n brjaye di dunie n akhirat >
Agreed, nasihat lah elok2..jangan maki2.. haish...tapi tulah, harap2 gambar tu bukan amalina
ReplyAgreed, nasihat lah elok2..jangan maki2.. haish...tapi tulah, harap2 gambar tu bukan amalina
ReplyI agree with u totally. I'm a medical student in UK and I know what it feels like to be studying abroad. tabiat masyarakat kita ni suka menghukum. kadang2 tak tahu hujung pangkal pun tapi nk jugak mengutuk. if that's amalina in that photos, doakan la dia jadi muslimah yg baik and kembali ke pangkal jalan. bukan mengutuk atau mengeji. life is stressful enough living overseas. people see in facebook what one's want ppl to see. takkan dia nk pos gambar dia berduka lara. lagipun org yg kat msia pun apa kurangnya culture shock kat KL tu. tp jgn la menghukum siapa2. apa2 pun, kita tak tahu apa yg jadi kat dia. jd sy rasa artikel awak ni sgt bagus sbb boleh membuka minda mereka2 yg suka mengeji ni. apalah salahnya mendoakan yg baik utk org lain. like u yourself is an angel??? i bet not. u should spread this article like a virus man..
Replyshare idea juga....
Anonymous 2: I'm not if u come back to read this but yeah. thank you sebab baca. InshaAllah, nak jugak spread kan so that malaysians know that it's bad what they are doing to Amalina. Anyhow, belajar elok kat UK tu k. Good luck. and come back.hahahaha
ReplyDah baca dah...ermmm... thanks sebab tak maki2 dia. tapi tu lah kan, dia dah besar panjang...
i don't care what people say about me as i wear my pain everyday . - from her status on fb, Amalina Che Bakri. i wear my pain everyday? so we don't know her real story. yes, those pictures memang gambar dia. since 2009 dia dah free hair, mereka2 yang typical ni baru nak kecah.from her coursemate said, she did quite well in her study. tipu sangat la cakap dia fail ke apa. yeah people changed. Pointing out Amalina Bakri's flaw, but where is she? An intern at Cancer Research UK. so just pray for her. :)
Replykakazamani: True, I have no idea how painful it's for her. We don't even know what is happening with her there. Am still proud of her, my friends in Uk told me that she is still the top student in her school. And wow an intern at cancer research UK?That's great!
mr.F : hahaha...apa yg naiss nyer? :P
ReplyAduh si gemuk ni. berapa kali nak tweet benda baru #amalina. nak kasi laku blog pun jgnla nmpak desperate sgt weii!
ReplyAnonymous: whatever. i want my voice to be out there. if ko tak suka, get the hell out from here. Coward.
Replykalau dipilih gagal pelajaran dgn gagal akhlak, biarlah jangan gagal akhlak.. semoga dia mendapat keinsafan dan menjadi pengajaran kepada yg lain..
ReplyAnon lagi: betul2..takpa2..kita tak cerita disebaliknya kan? So, doakan lah...
ReplyYeah, good points you have there.
ReplyH : oh...thank you! :D i mean, c'mon lah kan... people make mistake. I pon buat byk mistake. Just that takkan nak single her out jer..:)
Replysedih tgk org kita jd camni. tapi lagi sedih bila tengok org kita jugak yg menjatuhkan dengan caci maki yg tak berkesudahan. siapalah kita untuk judge org, kita semua ada kelemahan masing2..jgn tunding jari seolah2 kita ni suci bersih, sapa tau...jgn2 di buku amalan kita kiri dan kanan setara jer, malah ada ada yg lebih di buku amalan sebelah kiri. biarlah dia...just doakan yg terbaik, stp org punya masalah tersendiri.
ReplySnazzy: Betul apa u cakap tu. siapa lah kita nak caci maki orang betul tak? I pon ada yg tak kena, buat salah silap bagai. :)
Replykadang2 orang kita ni suke sebar cerita yang belum tentu sahih ke x..kan?
ReplySyaz: Setuju sgt dengan awak! Kita tak tau cerita dia kan?
ReplyIt's weird. This shouldn't be an issue. She has her own right to dress like whatever she wants. Just pray to God that someday she'll change, rather than talkin' shit about her.
Replyyup its true... kita kalau nak nasihat biar berasas.. n for me.. dengan cara menyebarkan gambar2 dia macam tu, tak elok.. better tegur dia baik2... kalau itu bukan dia , or itu adalah dia sebelum bertaubat or whatsoever lah, bukankah dah timbulkan fitnah dan kita dah dapt dosa.. juz pendapat saya. =)
ReplyAnon: true to that...
Replyyad'z: I setuju, tegur lah elok2. ni yg kecoh2 tu lah yg lagi teruk dari dia. adoiii
Replysetuju sgt...
ReplyNurul: Awak ngerti kan? :)
ReplySy bukanlah manusia yg sempurna tp bg sy pokok pangkalnya terpulang pd diri sendiri,iman kita...klau x kuat sbb tu la blh jd perkara2 yg x diingini berlaku...klau betul die ade mslh,kite kan org islam solat,berzikir dan pada DIA kite blh mengadu dan mohon doa...itu adlh cara yg paling baik untuk menangani mslh serta tekanan....walauapepun sy berharap dan berdoa agar amalina akn cepat2 sedar dan kembali spt dulu....Insya Allah....
Replyanon: What a beautiful thing you wrote there. InshaAllah...
Replytak ada jln cerita yg Allah takdirkn utk ssorang dgn sia2..=)
keep having faith..
bnyk pngajaran bleh kte ambik...
Yo so lindo : one of the most beautiful comment here. :)